import assert from 'assert';
import {empty, push, pop} from '@functional-data-structure/persistent-stack';
export const makePath = (current, key) => {
assert(current !== undefined);
const itKey = key[Symbol.iterator]();
for (const part of itKey) {
const temporary = current.get(part);
if (temporary === undefined) {
return makeNonExistingPath(current.set(part), itKey);
current = temporary;
return current;
export const makeNonExistingPath = (current, key) => {
assert(current !== undefined);
for (const part of key) current = current.set(part);
return current;
export const writePath = (root, key, value) => {
const current = makePath(root, key);
return current;
export const readPath = (root, key) => {
const node = getReference(root, key);
return node === undefined ? undefined : node.value();
export const has = (root, key) => getReference(root, key) !== undefined;
export const getReference = (current, key) => {
assert(current !== undefined);
for (const part of key) {
current = current.get(part);
if (current === undefined) return undefined;
return current;
export const getClosestAncestor = (ancestor, key) => {
assert(ancestor !== undefined);
for (const part of key) {
const current = ancestor.get(part);
if (current === undefined) return [part, ancestor];
ancestor = current;
return [undefined, ancestor];
export const erasePath = (current, key) => {
assert(current !== undefined);
for (const part of key) {
current = current.get(part);
if (current === undefined) return false;
if (current.value() === undefined) return false;
return true;
export function* enumerate(root) {
assert(root !== undefined);
let prefix = empty();
if (root.value() !== undefined) yield [prefix, root.value()];
const stack = [root[Symbol.iterator]()];
while (true) {
const it = stack.pop();
const {value, done} =;
if (done) {
if (stack.length === 0) break;
prefix = pop(prefix);
const [k, node] = value;
prefix = push(prefix, k);
if (node.value() !== undefined) yield [prefix, node.value()];